
Welcome to this short overview of common content management tasks on TakeControlPhilly.com (TCP), allowing you to edit text, and change image and video content to keep your site current:

  1. Site-Build notes
  2. Accessing the CMS
  3. CMS dashboard, available options
  4. Specific editing tasks

1. Site-Build Notes

The TCP site was completed in March 2017 on WordPress 4.7.4 – launch date September 1, 2017.

2. Accessing the CMS

As a registered user, you can access the TCP site at www.takecontrolphilly.com/wp-user, and enter your email address and password.

3. CMS Dashboard

When logged into the TCP site, you will see a vertical menu bar on the left side of your screen; available menu tabs will depend on your role, or level of access (see #4, users and roles). Clicking an item will display additional options below the item. The purpose of each is as follows, starting at the top:

  • (Posts is standard on WP sites but is not used on TCP)
  • Media provides access to all image assets (.jpeg, .png and .PDF), including logos and    icons, used on the site and allows you to delete or add new image content to the library
  • Pages provides access to all pages for editing, and allows you to add new pages and content.
  • (Comments is not used on the TCP site)
  • Caldera Forms provides access to active forms (Mail Me and Ask Question) and allows you to build new forms with conditional logic (Note that some expertise is required to create and link new forms correctly!)
  • (Appearance governs the UI and should not be modified)
  • Plugins offers a complete listing of active (shaded blue) and inactive plugins. “Plugins” are modules to add functionality and effects to the site. You will see an alert in the Plugin list when an update is available; other than clicking “Update Now” you will not need to manage these.
  • Roles offers 5 default roles, of which only 2 are used on the site: The Administrator role has the highest, full access; editors can only access pages to edit text and images.
  • Users lists all registered users by name, role, and email address. This is where you can add, delete and edit users’ credentials. Note that a user can not add or edit a user above the user’s role – e.g. only an administrator can assign the admin role, whereas an editor can’t.
  • (Tools, Settings, Widgets, Hover Effects, Widgets should not be modified)
  • Slider Revolution contains elements with special features, such as animation or hover-over text that cannot be accessed through the normal editing process, e.g. “Home – Front Page”.

4. Specific editing tasks

Go to “all pages” on the dashboard and select the page you want to edit

a. Editing page text

  • Select the page, hover-over over the relevant “Text” element and click on “edit” to (carefully) make your edits, making sure to not change any code.
  • “Layout Builder” is also used to create special layouts for some sections of the site. Clicking ‘edit’ brings up the layout editor, which is very similar to the page editor.
  • Make sure to “update” the page when you are satisfied, or your edits will not be saved!

b. Editing Sliding Accordion block text

  • Hover over the relevant accordion and click “edit”
  • Click the small triangles to the right of the listed items to bring up the text in an editor, and to close it when done.
  • “Update” the page

c. Editing the map locations and descriptions – SiteOrigin Google Maps

  • Access the map function via Home – Front Page
  • Scroll down to SiteOrigin Google Maps, hover and click “edit”
  • A list of locations will be displayed by long/lat, hovering and clicking the small triangle to the right will display long/lat info and text for editing
  • TIP: to quickly find a location on the list, command-f will bring up a search box, type in the location coordinates, and hit “enter”
  • To delete a location, click the ‘X’ on the right
  • To add a location, scroll to the bottom of the list and click “add”, click the small triangle to open up the editing window and add the location
  • “Update” Home- Front Page when you’re done.

d. Editing text/images on headers and animations – Slider Revolution

  • In the page edit view, these will be identified as “Slider Revolution”
  • Go to and click on Slider Revolution lower left of dashboard
  • Select relevant slider, e.g. “Main video header”
  • Select “# Slide” – i.e. Main video only has one, “Resources” has three
  • Scroll down to the slide image, hover over the item you want, and click
  • Click the pencil icon center top of the slide image
  • For text, this will bring up a drop down on which you can (carefully) edit the text while leaving all other code as is (the three main call-to-action buttons in the main page header also contain short codes to allow the mouse over effect).
  • For images such as the TCP logo, it will bring up the image library; click on an image to replace the current. Note, if you want to replace the image with a new one, upload it to the library first.

e. Editing button text – SiteOrigin Buttons

  • In the page edit view, buttons will be identified as “SiteOrigin Buttons”
  • Hover over the selected button and click “edit” to change the button text (that displays on the button), color, size and/or destination URL (the page that it will bring up).

f. Editing Videos – SiteOrigin Video Player

  • You can swap videos, e.g. in the “Ask” section, by clicking “edit” and changing the URL to a different video you have previously uploaded to YouTube